
Our history

The cornerstone of success

Our history brought us from a trading company to one of the world market leaders in vacuum technology.

自 1850 年以来一直是真空创新的开拓者之一

当商人 Ernst Leybold 在 1850 年从罗滕堡搬到科隆并成立了他的第一家公司时,就为成功奠定了基础,这家公司一开始是一家医药用玻璃器皿、药膏锅、温度计和磅秤的委托和运输代理公司。1854 年,他扩大了公司的产品范围,覆盖了物理、制药和化学仪器。1870 年,Leybold 出售了他的公司,但该公司仍继续以 E. Leybold’s Nachfolger 之名经营。

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Our founders

Ernst Leybold combined a willingness to work hard with the ability to recognize when a good business opportunity presented itself. Wolfgang Gaede personally held close to 40 patents in Germany alone for vacuum technology. Dr. Manfred Dunkel expanded his predecessor’s accomplishments to move the company forward.


Our history spans a period of over 170 years. Innovative vacuum technology was continually put to use in order to make the applications of our customers possible and enable profitable progress. Read all our milestones in the Leybold book below.